Prom Season Is Coming!

Dear Reader-

Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring this year, and we know what spring means…..sock hops! Spring Formal, Prom, call them what you like. But this is certain- there is a disturbing trend on the rise. Flat prom hair. Yessiree, girls are tending to buy fancy dresses, shoes and jewelry, and then they are skipping formal hair, and attending their important functions looking like they do every other day. Yikes! Silk taffeta and bed head hair? What is this world coming to? No self-respecting young lady should be caught dead at a formal event without the proper hair! It’s not natural, it’s not proper, it looks terrible!

Turn to me during this crisis. These baby bands specialize in event hair of all kinds. I actually couldn’t love anything more. If you get rebuffed by your teen, simply ask them this-“Do you want (insert cheerleader name here) to look better than you?” And if your teen queen is a cheerleader, just remind her she has an image to uphold. You only have her best interests at heart.

Kind Regards,


